Pay attention, yes; this could happen to you. Making soup tonight. Would be best to make my favorite, so the decision was not that hard. Potato Soup. Its real easy; boil potatoes, once soft start adding the potato soup stuff. Onions, carrots, celery, thyme,salt, pepper; 2 cubes of chicken bouillon; you know what it all takes. I did consider putting cayenne pepper in, but thought twice about it and decided not. Now to thicken the broth I use heavy whipping cream, equal amount of milk and 2 Tbls of all purpose flour (or is that all porpoise flower) whisk till blended then add to the soup. I also found removing about 1-2 potatoes worth after cooking and mashing them helps. Well all was going great; that is till I did my first taste test and the carrots were still a bit crunchy. As more time was needed I decided to get creative and chopped up a handful of spinach and added that to the mix. Not meaning to be commercialized but McCormick has seasonings with crushed peppercorns, I used the Montreal Steak Seasoning... instead of just black pepper. Second taste test, of course use shredded cheddar... but just seemed something was still missing. Had that lack of or should I just say? It was bland. Thought for a bit, ah... it was the cayenne pepper. Gives it a bit of a kick. Well not being one to measure out and the container had a handy sprinkle top, one might say it had more of a horse kick than a people kick. It all worked out though, I was just cooking for me and a little shot of wine (in my mouth, not the soup) helped out a bit also.
I will say in closing, this potato soup is not only easy to make, it is my favorite "comfort" food. You know, the one food that picks you up when you are feeling a little down. Potato soup and a Skyline Chili 3 Way... and a UDF chocolate malt and Lasagna and...
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